
Monday, September 15, 2003

My weekend drama

The weekend wasn't really filled with drama. The end of the week was. Thursday I blogged that I wasn't feeling well. Friday, after E left for work, I ended up passing out. oops. The OB rushed me into a neurologist. The neurologist thinks my migraines are progressing and that sometimes pressure on the brain will make you pass out. gee, lovely. They are scanning my brain in the morning. I do think it will be somewhat cool because they will scan my whole body once. So you will be able to see all of me, my bones etc, with my little girl tucked inside my belly. Don't you think that will be cool? Oh, and it is an MRI so no radiation. MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A big giant magnet. And NO radioactive dye. They'll probably run me through that thing again with dye after baby girl is here. We'll see.

Saturday E went to friends and I babysat during the day. Then came home, worked on painting the nursery and cleaned and took a nap and just kinda lazied around.

Sunday we went to BabysRExpensive and registered. :) That was kinda fun. Oh, and we went and visited a friend, E bought a table saw (talk about a kid in a toy store) and we came home. I worked on more painting in the nursery and I cleaned the upstairs thoroughly and worked on laundry. Man I seriously feel like I work 16 hour days, plus do side jobs.

Next up... worker rant, but I'll have to fill my belly first.

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