
Tuesday, May 27, 2003

We still don't have internet which is the reasoning for my absence over the long weekend. It should be installed by then and Erich promises to have the computer fixed (it doesn't recognize the modem that is working) So I'll be back up then. And it appears I will have to start blogging more since Jennifer has noticed that we are due to have a royal child towards the end of January beginning of February-ish. I'm going today after work to get my blood drawn, buy a pregnancy book (one that has pictures and details each week, especially for Erich to read I think it will help bring him into the pregnancy) I might start another blog especially about the pregnancy for the family i.e. Erich's mom. She is excited! Erich is nervous and I am in shock. I feel somewhat pregnant though. I walked into the cafeteria a few minutes ago and almost tossed my cookies with the awful combination of food smells and sights. Yuck. I've only been tolerating hot dogs and fruit. My breasts are sore and heavy.I can hardly walk down the hallway without the "jiggle effect" (that's what I call it!) causing terrible pains. And this may sound like me complaining, BUT I'M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT! So make me puke baby! I'm to excited about what's growing in there. I can't wait to meet you! :)

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